2019 in a Nutshell

January 16, 2020
Summary of 2019

2019 was an extraordinary year, which brought us many invaluable experiences. We look to the future with confidence and determination, excited to spend another year working to reach the heights of our potential. 

Ready for what the new year brings, we do not want to forget what has made us where we are today. Let’s take another look at our best news and software enhances for 2019. You will not be disappointed! 🙂 

Pro Editor

We decided to write a new chapter in our business. We had been following the professional photography market for a long time. In 2019, the moment has come to try to find our place there. This niche in the market is developing rapidly, thus, to keep up with it and provide a top-notch experience, we created a sophisticated modern tool. New functionalities significantly improve the professionals’ work on the project. Thanks to an innovative deterministic algorithm, the whole creation process is easy and pleasant. Together with a new customer journey, it introduced a completely new quality of experience, unprecedented on the market.

You can read more about the Pro Editor here.

Pro Editor is already successfully in use by our customers, and users are constantly surprised by the ease of working with the tool. You can check it in action here.


Share projects   

Personalized photo products business is all about emotions. People love to capture and share their cherished moments, not only in the ubiquitous social media but also directly with the loved ones. That’s one of the most important bases of the market, and it’s driving force. Therefore, we decided to add a project sharing feature to our Pro and Advanced Editors. It allows your customers to easily share their photobook projects with friends and family before ordering it.


This functionality was an important business step, which in turn results in the growth of our customers‘ sales and even better brand promotion. 

Reach us out to learn more.


Landing pages  

Sometimes providing even the best customer journey is not enough to attract potential clients. Thus, last year we decided to give our customers another possibility of increasing engagement – landing pages that are not integrated into the customer journey. Building a well-converting landing page ensures the success of upcoming marketing campaigns, which in turn makes the business more profitable. By presenting a thematic page (for example, for Christmas or Valentine’s day) you can easily engage your end-user, and by redirecting to various products, such as photobooks or calendars, increase conversion. 


Even better user-experience  

When we asked our customers what they value most in our editor, usability was at the top of the list. We were (and are!) working hard to provide the end-user with the best experience on the market. The higher the user’s satisfaction from the experience is, the higher the sales are. This year, among others, we eased the drag & drop usage in the Simple Editor and changed the way of layout organization. Our top goal was also the most appealing mobile experience. Regarding that, we optimized the responsive version for the Advanced Editor and added a lot of new features to the mobile application.

Responsive preview 


TIFF files 

High-end goods with extraordinary quality are an important part of the personalized photo products market. To ensure a top-notch experience with the final product, we added the possibility of uploading TIFF files to the editor and rendering a project to the TIFF format. When the JPG quality is not enough, this feature is a perfect fit to provide the best results for your customers. 



Calendars are one of the most popular products in the personalized photo print industry. 2019 was the year to give them even more attention! Therefore, we introduced a lot of important calendar features in the editor. To give the end-user more possibilities of personalization, we came up with the weekly calendar option, and the ability to control the style of texts used in the design (Days, Month and Year) – font style, color, size, face, and alignment. To check all these outstanding customization options, just watch the short video below:


SGIA Products of the Year

Printbox gained recognition for innovative features implemented in 2019 software updates.

The most important enhancement is the auto-creation feature, available in the Pro Editor. The system creates a book smartly, helping the end-user in the creation process, thus reducing the ordering time. Other features presented in contest entry were native Mobile Apps, flexible buying paths, and production workflow add-ons. The Product of the Year title is awarded by the Specialty Graphic Imaging Association. 


Company growth 

2019 was another year of growth. We were able to reinforce each team with new professionals, creating an even stronger group of people to keep up with customers’ expectations and the fast-moving market. 

To meet the challenge of the rapid development of the company and provide all 55 employees with comfortable working conditions, we decided to move… Literally! In the last days of December, we were working intensively on the moving process, which allowed us to close the old year already in the new office. It was one of the greatest changes for Printbox in recent times. We hope that with the new space, we will be able to continue working at full capacity to provide our customers with the leading product and the best possible service.