Changelog July 2017

August 7, 2017
Pictures Scattered Hands Tea Concept

I’m happy to share with you, that we’ve launched another important upgrade for us. We have thus completed another process of features implementation with multiple new functionalities.

The most important changes are displayed below.


Changes related to SEO

  • Changes in the code for better SEO optimization (e-commerce and editors).
    The implemented changes are not visible to either the administrator or the end customer, but they will help to significantly increase the ranking of the pages in Google, which is primarily based on the analysis of the link network.
  • Changing and adapting URLs in editors.
    In order to improve search engine positioning, we created so-called “friendly urls” for editors. Please mind that changes will not appear automatically for every existing e-commerce and links should be manually changed. The old ones will work anyway, so do not worry. 🙂


Changes in the photo calendar editor

  • We’ve added a feature to either show or hide holidays and name days both or separately.
    So far this option was fixed and you could have either both or none. This feature is available in the back office – for the e-commerce administrator.
  • We’ve added a new calendar type with the grid.
    The shop administrator can configure the color and thickness of the grid in the back office.

Take a look:

General changes in all editors

Front office features:

  • We’ve secured project from editing by more than one user at the same time (in more than one browser window).
    We have added a warning about overwriting changes and different versions of a project when someone opens it in 2 browser windows.
  • Import photos from previous projects (My photos).
    From now on, the end user can reuse multiple photos already uploaded and used before. For example, when a user orders a photobook with 50 photos, the same photos can be reused in the future when he or she designs a calendar or any other product.

Take a look:


  • Fixes for the gallery in the Simple and Canvas editor.
    The way your end customer adds photos and the visual side of adding photos are now very similar, no matter what product the end user designs. This small usability and aesthetics patch will allow customers to enhance the flow of designing process.
  • We’ve added the Select all and Clear selection buttons in the import view of Social Media images.

Back office feature:

  • We’ve added a possibility to generate sales reports per combination of attribute values. Reports are shown in customizable interface for clients, and prefix – available for shop admin in the backoffice.


Product packages

Products can now be sold in packages, because we’ve implemented some must-have features.

  • Quantity support – both editors and PrestaShop are calculating the correct value of the specific quantity, including bulk prices (the more your customers will order, the less they pay for 1 piece).
  • Possibility to edit the displayed price.
    From now on you can edit the price and add any important information in selected fields.

Take a look at the live demo HERE and test our online editor yourself (and let us know what you think!).

Reader. Writer. Communicator. PR & Marketing Specialist at Printbox. Learning from only the best and writing killer copy.