Changelog July 2018

August 6, 2018
Printbox Change Log for July

At Printbox, we believe that the “staying on the safe side and doing nothing” mentality, as it relates to upgrading software, is a risky approach in case of staying ahead of the competition. For this reason, we are always taking on new challenges and further develop our editors for personalized photo products. Keeping up to date with software can help keep your business improving.

The recent upgrade included many back-office changes that have a direct impact on the front-office. We have given you many powerful tools that create the possibility to even more personalize your offer of photo products.

Read what rolled out this time.

  • Support for CSS and JS scripts on CMS pages in the e-commerce

Thanks to this feature you can create more powerful CMS pages in the e-commerce. You will have at your disposal CSS and JS scripts from the admin panel. This is a powerful tool. Using it in an incorrect way can overwrite other styles, damage the operation of the editor and cause visual faults and functional errors in troubleshooting. On the other hand, using it in a correct way may give you an opportunity to have exceptionally designed custom CMS pages.

  • „Additional pages multiplier” function in the administration panel 

Some photo books require a certain number of pages, e.g. multiples of 4. For this reason, from now on, you can create many different types of photo books within a single product family with a different number of pages required by your printing parameters.
For example, you can create one type of book with a minimum number of pages 30 and additional pages multiplier set to 2, and another type with exactly the same number of initial pages (30), but with the parameter “additional pages multiplier” set to 4. The difference between them is that the end user will not be able to order the book if he adds another two pages to the basic 30 in the second variant. Then, when the end user will try to make a purchase, a message will appear warning him or her that he or she cannot order a book with this number of pages.

  • Graphic styles change in Quick style panel

We’ve added more meaningful icons for the “Frame” and “Remove photo from the design” options. We’ve redesigned the quick style panel (QSP), so to be more user-friendly and intuitive. Take a look at the change. The first image presents how it was, and the second how it will look like right now. Find 4 differences. 😉

Old QSP panel

New QSP panel

  • New functionality: swapping photos within content images

If you haven’t noticed yet those changes in the QSP, there is a new button – “Swap photos”. It works when there is more than one content image on a slide. After clicking it, it is necessary to indicate with which content image the system should replace photos. If you mark more than 2 photos and swap – photos will go “around”.



  • Slide control with zoom – scroll and keypad support

We have implemented a feature to improve the slide navigation. Many people asked about this functionality, and it’s finally delivered.
Pressing (and keeping) left ALT (left Option on MacOS) and using the mouse scroll will zoom in and zoom out the slide view in the editor. There is also an option to move the view. This option works as in graphic programs and is super-comfortable when designing.



  • Text editing possibilities in the responsive view of the Advanced Editor

We have added the ability to edit texts in the RWD view of the Advanced Editor. This feature is useful in small screen devices.



  • Grouping components to one object

We’ve added a possibility to group components with a command: CTRL/CMD + G. It creates a group that is treated as one component. CTRL/CMD + Shift + G ungroups it. Groups are saved in Themes, so the shop administrator can prepare designs and make “complex components” available. From the end-user point of view – there is a possibility to group elements and rotate all of them at once.


If you need a closer look at any of changes – don’t hesitate to contact me or anyone from the Printbox team.

Take a look at the live demo HERE and test our online editor yourself (and let us know what you think!).

See you next month!

Reader. Writer. Communicator. PR & Marketing Specialist at Printbox. Learning from only the best and writing killer copy.