Changelog June 2017

July 5, 2017
Printbox New Layout

Thanks to our joint, enormous effort we are happy to inform you about the following changes:

Advanced editor re-designed

New layout and re-design of the advanced editor for photobooks and photocalendars. It looks much (much!) more interesting.

Take a look:


Photoalbums PRO

We’ve launched a brand new product: photoalbum.

The process of creating such complicated item with many options is as fast and easy as at the video below.

Take a look:

Billions of fixes

We’ve done billions of patches, changes, and custom development for our clients, resulting in a new, unique, full-custom fitted user journeys.

And that’s basically it. Everything described in few sentences. But be aware that each of these points consisted of dozens of tasks, bug fixes, patches, and tests on multiple browsers that have contributed to the overall success.

The first very important thing in this change log is that we’ve implemented each and every feature that was available in Flash technology into the HTML5 editors. The second is that we kept all the deadlines and customers can sleep peacefully and enjoy the effects (more sales!). <3

Take a look at the live demo HERE and test our online editor yourself (and let us know what you think!).

Reader. Writer. Communicator. PR & Marketing Specialist at Printbox. Learning from only the best and writing killer copy.