Changelog September 2017

October 3, 2017
Change Log September 2017

We’ve recently completed another system upgrade. In September, we can boast of bigger and smaller improvements and fixes, and some of them deserve special attention.

Take a look at the changes:

Project validation and a new tab in the advanced editor: Notices

We’ve added a new tab in the left panel of the advanced editor to notify users about possible flaws in their projects. There is a whole list of issues that need to be fixed in the design, like empty photo slot or low quality photo.


New animation for preloader and some other graphical upgrades

We’ve added some fun to the editor, by adding an animation. It appears during the first few seconds after entering to the advanced editor (for photobooks or calendars).


– We’ve also added small but interesting add-on in the advanced editor: the back button. It works exactly like the browser’s “back” button. Clicking it, your customers are redirected one step back, so if they are in the editor for photobooks, they should be redirected to the product card.

Back Button In the Advanced Editor


Prints editor changes

Code refactoring and performance-related fixes. From now on, Printbox editor for prints is able to handle up to thousand photos added at the same time, so creating even a complicated order is smooth.

 A number of optimizations before season

– PrestaShop cart optimization
– Calendar editor optimization
– Fixes and patches for Vouchers
– My Photos – upgrade for sorting and filtering photos from projects (also by the year of project creation)
– Handling text fields in the canvas editor


And you can take a peek into the brand new type of editor we are currently working on –  the Uploader.

The Uploader is a brand new step type of editor. It enable users to upload already prepared project and send the attachment directly to the printer. It is convenient especially for your customers: professional photographers if they have pre-made photobook designs or business card templates. They can upload any type of graphic files (like pdf, jpg, png). Files are not compressed and processed and are available in the back-office for the shop administrator.



That’s it. Despite the fact, that some of us were knocked down by a virus, others were on holidays, we’ve met the challenge and the upgrade ended with a success.

If you need a closer look at any of changes – don’t hesitate to contact me or our support team.

Take a look at the live demo HERE and test our online editor yourself (and let us know what you think!).

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