Changelog September 2018

October 1, 2018
Printbox Change Log September 2018

While Summer is slowly fading away, our team is working actively on new interesting functionalities, and, what is more, we have just started huge preparations for the upcoming holiday season!

Take a look at features we prepared for you along with important bugfixes in September.


Keyboard support in combo boxes

Since now, there is a possibility to type text, for instance, font name, in a combo box. The Editor itself will suggest available values to choose from.

Keyboard support in combo boxes

Alt + scroll Mozilla Firefox shortcut

Shortcut Alt + scroll in the Mozilla Firefox browser is used for handling browsing history (Back/Forward). We have added a workaround, which allows using this shortcut in the Printbox Editor for zooming in or out the project, just like in other browsers.

Alt + scroll Mozilla Firefox shortcut

Changed way of applying layouts

After this month’s upgrade, the way layouts are applied to the project is achieved through Drag&Drop feature from the left panel, which corresponds nicely with the application of backgrounds and other assets in the Editor.

Changed way of applying layouts

Improved component rotation

We are happy to present an upgraded way of component rotation. Now, around each component’s corner, a special area can be found, where you can grab it and rotate easily. In this specific field, a cursor will change into a rounded arrow, suggesting rotation.
We also removed an inefficient rotation handler from the top of the component.
New, enhanced version of this feature provides easier and more convenient work with components, especially those located partly outside the trim box area.

Improved component rotation

Quantized spine

Some of our customers were asking for this feature, and here it is.
In the Cover workspace, now you can choose a new type of a spine – quantized. This kind of spine can be used if you want to have a fixed, constant spine width for specific page ranges in the book.
The quantized spine can be set in a new workspace, which is not in use in any other project.

Quantized spine

Voucher list table in the Customers section

In the Administration Panel in Customers section now you can find a table with a list of every Voucher assigned to a particular customer.

Voucher list table in the Customers section

If you need a closer look at any of changes – don’t hesitate to contact me or our anyone from the Printbox team.

Take a look at the live demo HERE and test our online editor yourself (and let us know what you think!).

See you next month!

Reader. Writer. Communicator. PR & Marketing Specialist at Printbox. Learning from only the best and writing killer copy.