How to Boost Your Visual Marketing Results: Tips to Choose Images That Sell

March 26, 2020
visual marketing

The first impression we get is visual. This is always so. The thing is that our brain is designed in such a way that we first perceive the visual part, and only then the text and other elements. Marketers are aware of this and therefore pay great attention to the visual component of their campaigns. In this article, we decided to figure out how to find and create images that will impress, engage, motivate and sell.

Prioritize Quality

Further explanations will be redundant – photos or images of poor quality do not stand a chance. Using low-quality visuals automatically kills your credibility and reliability in the eyes of users. If you don’t even bother to use a high-quality image, even downloaded from a photo bank, then what can we say about the quality of the products, the adequate price and customer service? Most likely, all these factors also cannot claim to be good.

Therefore, if you could not find a suitable image of high quality, then you need to either create it, for example, using Canva or take a high-quality photo (using a professional photographer).


Choose the Right Colors

Each color that marketers use in their campaigns has a special semantic and psychological component. For example, blue is the color of stability and security, and gray is the color of professionalism and partnerships.

When choosing images for your visual marketing materials, pay attention to the color scheme and always ask yourself the question of how this or that color relates to the values of your brand and whether it is able to deliver the right marketing message.


Use the Photos That Depict Your Users’ Portraits

All people are self-centered – this is psychology. And visual marketing strategies are just the case when you can benefit from this human quality. To do this, you just need to choose images that draw people who are most similar to your users – according to gender, age, lifestyle, clothing style, and other factors. This immediately forms the right relationship and sends the right message – “This brand is talking about me.” Plus, it increases the sense of their own worth in the eyes of your users.


Match Your Pic With Users’ Desires

If you coped with the previous task, then most likely, it will not be difficult for you to depict the desires, aspirations, and goals of your users. It’s so simple that even a child can handle it – all their wishes are exactly what you offer them. It is very simple, but it really works.


Tell a Story

Stories are not just about textual content, as many people think. By the way, let’s also say a few words about text content, too – after all, your visual marketing materials should be supported by words. Moreover, if you want to get the most out of your campaigns, plus increase the reliability of your site, use the old and proven guest posting.

So, let’s get back to the images. Images can tell stories no worse than text, so if your photo products company is created around a story, real or fictional, draw a picture before you pronounce the words. And let your users get the opportunity to tell this story as they see it.


Imagine Your Users Can’t Read but Can See the Image

But this task is quite complicated. You need to choose or create an image that will be a powerful marketing tool even without the use of additional techniques. And most likely, only a professional designer will cope with this task – it is unlikely that you will be able to find the most suitable image in the public domain.

Plus, this is just the case when you need to connect the image and your brand very closely, and it is possible to achieve this only through very strong customization and an individual approach to creating visuals.


Showcase the Life in Action

Photographs depicting energy, real-life, time-lapse elements also sell very well – due to their realism. Therefore, if your product or service makes it possible to present it through the prism of real-life, effects or movement, try to do it and track the result. For example, if you sell wedding albums, then a romantic image can work very well.


Repurpose Your Written Content and Create Infographics


Visual marketing materials are not always photos and images downloaded from photo banks. This is also video and infographics. Moreover, the infographic is the perfect middle ground between text and image, so you should definitely use this approach in your campaigns. By the way, it’s not even necessary to look for materials for infographics from scratch – in most cases, it will be enough for you to turn the research, article on your website or case study into infographics – and make this information more accessible and easier for users to perceive.



As you can see, not everything is so complicated with images that will effectively complement your visual marketing campaigns. And it’s real enough to find such images or create them yourself. Of course, for the most significant and large-scale marketing campaigns, you definitely need the help of a professional designer to create something truly unique. However, in everyday marketing, you are quite capable of coping with your efforts.


Author Bio:

Marie Barnes is a writer for LinksManagement. She is an enthusiastic blogger interested in writing about technology, social media, work, travel, lifestyle, and current affairs. She shares her insights through blogging. Follow her on Medium.