How to promote your photo products after the Holidays

August 22, 2018
How to promote your Photo Products after the Holidays - image

The end of the summer holiday season is just around the corner and, with it, a big chance for your photo products.

Holidays, of course, are a time for trips and creating unforgettable moments that are frequently memorialised in a series of unique photographs. Naturally, people want to keep and preserve these beautiful memories – at least until next summer. As the owner of a photo product business, you now have a great opportunity to increase your sales!

The post-holiday period is the ideal time for you, so what can be done to promote your personalized photo products effectively? Here, we’ve gathered 4 effective ways to improve sales.

1. Write a blog post

At the start, it’s a good idea to write a blog post that presents your e-commerce customers with the possibilities to capture their holiday memories through the products available in your online store. Show readers how they can use a photobook, for example, or mugs with a seaside landscape that will them up during winter evenings.

There are plenty of options, but you have to first present them to your customers and encourage them to buy.

Add photographic examples of your personalized photo products, to help visualize the final product and make your customers desire them even more. You can even use your blog post to describe some fantastic examples of how various products can perfectly capture holiday memories.

2. Promote selected products and offer discounts for them

Now that you’ve already presented some possible options for your customers in your blog post, it’s time to promote them! Display the chosen products directly on your store’s main page, to ensure they are immediately noticeable for visitors. To further encourage them, use eye-catching holiday photos to ensure they don’t forget their holiday memories.

However, don’t just limit yourself to promotions on your own website. It’s also a great idea to launch a Facebook campaign. This gives you numerous targeting options for potential customers, the most obvious of which being interests and hobbies; you can find potential travelers through their various interests.

You can also check the behaviour section, where you can find options such as tourists and international tourists. Here, you can target those that have recently returned from a trip. Just be sure to test different options to see what works best: don’t just stick to one!

Additionally, it may be worth offering a discounted price on these specific products. Nothing encourages people to make a purchase more than a promotion, especially when they’ve likely spent most of their savings on holiday.

By combining these two factors – promoted products and discounts – you are effectively giving your customers an offer on a platter; one that may prove just too tempting to pass up.

3. Show proper examples of photo products

How you show your photo products to customers is essential. They want to see what options will capture their memories the best, but this doesn’t just mean the standard photo album. There are lots of other options available, so think carefully about what you can offer your clients to ensure you stand out from the competition.

Furthermore, it’s vital that you correctly show how these products will appear and how they can best present your customers’ beautiful holiday snaps.

You could, for instance, create a promotional video that showcases select products in a real, domestic environment, presenting the perfect holiday photos. You can also show family and friends browsing through them and having fun together. In essence, you can create the perfect scene to entire your customers into choosing your products to store their photographic mementos.

4. Unusual products you can offer this time

As we’ve already mentioned, you need to consider what products you can offer. Remember that, as with any promotion, your offer should be adapted to the unique period and purpose – in this case, the holiday season. Find products that work exceptionally well here, even if they don’t sell well the rest of the year.

A great example here is the humble magnet. More and more people love to collect magnets from the places they’ve visited, displaying them on their fridge. By letting them create a truly personalised magnet, your customers can acquire an extra special souvenir – one they can either keep for themselves or even use as gifts for loved ones.

Other examples include the classic photo book, which can document and record the entire stay, but also wall murals, as these will remind your customers of sunnier days when the cold winter hits. Postcards, on a similar note, are often collected by people, while others will send them out to close friends and family. Puzzles can also be used to showcase scenic images. In fact, there are plenty more products – the only limit is your imagination!

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