How to showcase high-quality products?

September 7, 2015
high qulity products

Unique, personalized high-quality products usually aren’t cheap. You charge more for a flat photobook than your competitors, but you offer a better product and you’re worth the money. When setting a higher price for a quality photobook, you need to find customers who are willing to pay more and not base their decision solely on price. Attracting that kind of customer isn’t easy.

There are several ways to show that your product is of real value. They all have to be perfect. You have to focus on beautifully showcasing high-quality products and differentiating them from your standard products without compromising them.



Good images of your photoproducts are very important, as they provide the first impression, and are key in the customer’s purchasing decision. Your products deserve a unique approach. To get beautiful photos to your gallery, you should consider a special photo session. If you sell flat albums with stitched binding, try to capture all the important details.

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Photoproducts are great for showing and selling emotions. They bring back your customers’ memories and stories on a journey through their photos. Take advantage of this potential. Communicate luxury, sophistication and speak to the hearts of your targeted customers. Use language that has a sense of charm and magic with messages that don’t just tell “what it is”, but that strongly communicate “why” he/she should buy your products. Use a more personal and unique touch to help your product description stand out and really sell the benefits.

Apart from the emotions – people need all the details. Provide the information they’ll need to make decisions for your product, like paper finish, cover options, etc.



No matter how exquisite your products are, the final effect can be ruined by the poor quality of packaging. If your customer orders a photo album for €120, you can’t deliver it in ugly and cheap wrapping and packaging. The package is what has to deliver the goods without any damage and make a good first impression.

Understanding quality control every step of the way is what can make or break the sense of luxury in your business.

These tips can help you to start attracting customers who have money and a willingness to pay more for your beautiful photobooks and other high-quality personalized products.

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