SEO tips for photoproduct businesses

November 20, 2015
SEO tips for photobook business

Even without any expert knowledge on SEO, there’s a lot you can do to improve your ranking and be more visible to your customers in search engines.

Google offers many powerful tools and resources to help businesses grow and succeed. Free and paid business services can help with finding new customers, increasing productivity and can turn a startup into a booming business.

If you are running a photoproduct business or planning to start soon – all the information in this section will help you with organic search positioning. Google, when it has more information on your website, is able to give you more credibility, which will result in a higher ranking.


Google My Business (along with Google+)

Creating an account there allows you to search for the brand on the local market (Google Maps), and also to display information about the company in a more accessible way. You can publish updates, news, links and photos there, so your customers will be up to date on what is going on with your business.


Social SEO

Have you ever considered registering your brand name on pages other than Facebook and Twitter? Most of the social networking sites have high Page Rank, making their positioning power very strong. It is not necessary to be active on all sites, you would just have to simply register your brand name and add a link to your store. This way you can gain very strong backlinks to your website for free. This also blocks the possibility that someone would register your name and use it in an undesirable manner.

Here you’ve got some examples of social networking sites (this is the look of a direct link to the company profile, not a real one):



On-site SEO

Name pictures properly and include keywords in the picture name. Picture names and descriptions are seemingly invisible, but they are indexed by search engines. Try to stay consistent and match the page content and keywords with picture names.

Plan in advance what keywords to use and what content ideas will attract and interest your target audience.
Google Keyword Planner may help:
There, you can find keywords ideas, the number of monthly searches and your potential competitors. At the beginning, you should focus on the most important keywords, and over time add more and longer variations and new so-called “long tail keywords”. If you are not sure what words to use we can help you to validate existing ones and find new ones.

One of the most important factors in indexing is your content (text, descriptions, etc). You should consider writing more comprehensive product and categories descriptions. Use your keywords and their synonyms, and set separate meta descriptions and meta tags for the categories, groups, and products.

Content on your website should be unique (text, descriptions). You shouldn’t use this text elsewhere (on other domains, in other stores).
The recommended amount of the text per page is at least 150 words, so that Google understands what the page is about.

Also remember to use the page title and tags properly, including keywords.

We recommend you to change your URL redirections:


  • You can change it in your administration panel: Preferences> SEO & URLs> Set up urls.
  • The recommended setting is 301 redirect. 302 is a temporary redirect that Google does not index.
  • This it is information for robots, that “something in that link is changing, do not crawl yet”.


Personalized 404 page.

When a user enters a site that doesn’t exist, he will be redirected to the 404 page. After adding such a page, we will have to set the server to redirect it. In Printbox, you can add the 404 page in your administration panel: Preferences> SEO & URLs> SEO & URLs. You can also set the page that will be displayed after entering the default 404 error page.

These tips are all simple and free to implement, it’s just a case of putting them into practice. Remember not to become too obsessed with keywords. More important is to produce relevant and interesting content on your pages, so don’t write for Google, only for your customers.

Reader. Writer. Communicator. PR & Marketing Specialist at Printbox. Learning from only the best and writing killer copy.