How to Write Perfect Description for Your Personalized Photo Products

March 25, 2019
How to write a perfect product description

Most online shoppers read product descriptions before making a purchase decision. Naturally, they want to get more information to choose the right product from a great variety.

Have you already written catchy descriptions for every item you sell on your website? If you haven’t done it yet, it’s time to fix the situation.
You should find the right words to convince the target audience that your personalized photo products are worth every penny spent. Here are a few useful tips on how to craft winning product descriptions to boost sales.

Touch the feeling

Do you know what emotional advertising is all about? It’s about using specific triggers, which make people experience positive or negative emotions and, as a consequence, make impulse purchases. Let’s consider a few examples of how you may apply principles of emotional advertising when describing your personalized photo products.

If you want to make people buy your products, just make them feel guilty. You should simply remind them that they don’t spend enough time with their parents or don’t pay enough attention to their kids.
Try to convince them that if they buy your photo products, they will redeem themselves. Your task is to make people think like this:

I haven’t visited my father for a few months. He feels lonely because I’m a bad daughter! I need to say sorry and to buy him this custom photo calendar to make him smile.

When people feel shame, they want to get rid of this negative feeling as soon as possible. So if you want to boost sales, you should position your products as a tool, which may help to “kill” the shame. Your words should make shoppers think in this way:

I forgot to wish a happy birthday to my colleague! Such a shame of me! I need to buy a custom-made present to fix the situation.

People are greedy by nature, and that’s a fact. Fortunately, you can get benefits from it.
For instance, you may offer your customers to get the second wedding album with 50% discount. It’s more likely that they will order two items, even though they need only one. After reading a product description, a shopper should think:

Wow, I can save lots of money! If I get the second wedding album with such a huge discount, I may gift it to my mom. She will be happy.

Altruistic people tend to make impulse purchases more often than greedy individuals. If you write in the product description that you will donate 20% of sales to a pet shelter, the number of orders will increase.
Believe you or not, this approach always works. You will generate high sales if the product description makes altruists think in this way:

I’m not sure whether I need this photo cup or not, but I love pets so much. I should make a purchase. It will give me hope that my little contribution will help to save the life of a cute dog.

Keep it short

Modern people don’t like reading long descriptions. So you should try to describe your products as briefly as possible. Don’t repeat the same ideas twice; be concise.
It’s highly recommended to highlight the most important information by using bold fonts, or bulleted lists. It will help you to draw the customers’ attention to the points, which influence buying decision the most.
Also, don’t forget to list the advantages of your personalized photo products. For instance, you can mention that you use only eco-friendly printing inks of the highest quality. Or you can write that you pack photo gifts in beautiful boxes with a ribbon.

Evoke sweet memories

In most cases, people buy personalized photo products because they want to bring sweet memories to life. For instance, they want to have a photo calendar, which reminds them about the family trip to Mexico, or wedding day, or any other happy moment.
And if you want to write a compelling product description, you should use the words, which will revive those memories. The trick is to target all five senses simultaneously.
Let’s imagine that you write a description of a wedding photo book. Here is an example of how you can play with the buyers’ feelings:

  • Hearing. Do you remember how your voice was trembling, when you said YES?
  • Taste. Your wedding cake was so sweet and delicious, wasn’t it?
  • Vision. Do you remember how your mom cried tears of joy when she saw you in a white dress?
  • Touch. Do you remember how your daddy was holding your hand when was walking you to the altar?
  • Smell. Have you already forgotten the dizzy scent of your wedding bouquet?

If you describe your product in this way, you will win the audience attention. You will convince people that they urgently need to order your products to bring those sweet memories to life.

Localize it

Whether buyers speak English or not, they still prefer to read in their native language. So if you operate in a few regions, you should localize product descriptions. It is the only right way to ensure that description appeals to the local buyers.
Why is it so important not only translate texts but also localize them? The point is that people from different regions may name the same things differently, even though they speak the same language.
For instance, in Chile and Guatemala people speak Spanish. But while in Chile the word “novia” means “bride”, in Guatemala it means “girlfriend”.
So if you translate a phrase “personalized cup with a photo of your bride” to Spanish like “taza personalizada con foto de tu novia”, it will confuse Chileans shoppers. If a buyer has no intention to get engaged, it’s highly unlikely that he will buy this product.
To avoid misunderstanding and boost your sales globally, you should get help from the local translators. You may visit PickWriters, a translation review website, and choose the most reliable localization agency.

Wrapping it up

When writing a product description, try to be as creative as possible. Don’t use cliché phrases. Make your texts unique, engaging, and informative. Try to find a personal approach to every group of buyers, and you will be rewarded with rapid sales growth.

Additional note:

About the Author:
Kristin Savage is interested in writing and planning to publish her own book in the nearest future. Also, she has been a reviewer at Pick Writers for a few years and is known for her thorough approach to accurately assess newcomer translation services. You can find her on Facebook and Twitter.