Printbox 1st place in Forbes Diamonds 2024

January 31, 2024

We are thrilled to announce a remarkable achievement for Printbox! In the 16th edition of the Forbes Poland magazine ranking – Forbes Diamonds – Printbox has secured the prestigious 1st place in the Małopolska region and an impressive 51st place nationwide in our revenue group.

Forbes Diamonds is a unique ranking created independently without active submissions from companies. The ranking aims to identify the most dynamically growing Polish companies in a given region, based not just on simple revenue growth but on the overall valuation growth of the company.  

The list is meticulously compiled using the Swiss company valuation method, which considers financial performance and asset value from 2018-2022.  

In the 2024 edition, within Małopolska alone, 1002 companies competed in our category, and Printbox emerged as the leader. This achievement is not just a number; it’s a reflection of the hard work, passion, and commitment each member of the Printbox team has invested in building a company we can all be proud of. 

We eagerly anticipate participating in the upcoming Gala of winners, celebrating success and excellence, where we will proudly represent Printbox. 

She collaborates with her team to develop and implement the company's marketing strategies. With a strong background in marketing communications, online marketing, and content marketing, she efficiently integrates these strategies into the brand. Her focus on omnichannel digital campaigns, keen analysis of client needs, and creative approach have delivered significantly enhanced Printbox's market presence.