How to make your E-Commerce website more mobile-friendly

June 13, 2018
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These days, everyone should be aware of why well-designed websites are important, especially when it comes to mobile devices.

Otherwise, your website may be the main reason you are losing traffic and, with it, sales opportunities are declining. So, are you wondering how to make your e-commerce work properly on mobiles? Here are a few things you need to pay attention to.

First of all, it’s crucial that your photo product store has a “responsive” website, which means that the design should display properly across various devices and screen sizes. Why is this so important?

“52 percent of users said they would be less likely to engage with a company if the mobile experience on their site was bad.”

As the Iron Paper report stated, a good mobile experience is highly important for over half of mobile users – a segment you can’t afford to lose!

Optimize your website for small and touch screens

Essentially, it can be more or less stated that every mobile device uses touch screen technology. This is why you should test every part of your e-commerce site and ensure it can be used via both a desktop (with a mouse click) and a mobile device (with a touch ‘click’).

Similarly, your choice of fonts and button sizes will also matter a lot for mobile devices. For font sizes, it is often claimed that they should be at least 14px, or more, to appear well on smaller screens. This may seem big at first, but you need to remember that doing so will ensure your store users need to be able to read any content without having to zoom in – otherwise, in cases where the font is too small, this becomes unfortunately necessary.

In short, try to adjust your font size for maximum legibility but please note, however, it’s better to use a font that’s slightly smaller for labels and forms, ideally using 12px as a minimum.

When it comes to buttons, bigger is better. Buttons usually act as CTA’s and should draw attention to themselves. A larger size reduces the chances of users missing them or simply hitting the wrong one by mistake. It’s recommended you use buttons at least 44pt by 44pt (or 58px by 58px).

Combined, these tips will help improve your mobile experience on a visual level and even increase conversion rates for your online store.

Use proper images

However they view your website, it’s vital to present customers with high-resolution images of your photo products. Potential buyers usually want to see detailed pictures of the things they are considering purchasing, especially if these are intended to be gifts. Make sure the quality of your images is good.

Use good quality, high-resolution images that aren’t pixelated and won’t appear blurry on mobile screens, which thanks to constant improvement, often have better resolution than you might think.

It is worth mentioning that you can overdo it with image size, as larger images result in the page taking more time to load.

Make key information easy to access on every device

In your photo products e-commerce store, you should have your main company information, which includes your location, email address and/or phone number. This all needs to be easily available and visible, such as at the top or bottom of your website.

This way, if mobile users want to get these details, they can quickly and comfortably do so. This also applies to photo product prices: make sure they’re highly visible!

Offer more diverse content

For mobile, users typically want brief, short and concise content. They might sometimes want to read longer articles, but this isn’t the typical case. As a result, if you have a blog for your photo products, you can offer a summary of your posts. These can appear as an initial paragraph and, thanks to reading this, your users will know enough to determine if the article is of interest to them.

You can also include other forms of content, such as videos, infographics, presentations and even some interactive content, such as clickable media. These forms of content are much more attractive for mobile users when compared to longform text content (this often applies to desktop users, as well!).

Of course, in the end, you always need to test everything. Such testing will reveal if your mobile users find your site easy to use or if they are having problems finding desired products or information. Once you know what these problems are, you now know how to solve them!

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