These small details can boost your photo product sales pt. 1

August 30, 2017
photo cards

Many an ecommerce owner has found themselves going to hell and back in the quest to boost their sales. Yet, sometimes, the simplest actions can create the best results, rather than overthinking and over planning complicated campaigns. In this article, we explore low-cost changes that you can implement to sell more photo products.

Sometimes, an ad campaign might not be enough to convince potential customers to buy from you. When looking for any service online, consumers face a broad array of choices from various different sources: in all likelihood, they will check a few out before making a final decision. It’s your job, through marketing, to convince them to choose you.

This is where you need to be a little creative, without overexerting yourself. Your ecommerce store may already be well designed, with a crisp, modern aesthetic, but the same can be said for your competitors. So, what can you do to get ahead in sales?

1. Use Desirable Images

People primarily shop with their eyes. This is certainly true for photo products, where their visual nature counts for a lot. If your photo products aren’t strongly visualised, or simply aren’t displayed in the most attractive way possible, your items will instantly seem less appealing than a rival business’. First impressions really matter.


You can take photos yourself, of course, but it’s always better to invest in a professional product photographer. Likewise, working with a graphic designer to create product mock-ups (to showcase how a final design could look) can also work. Just remember that the final product must look realistic. It still needs to give users an accurate impression of what you are offering.

2. Use Promotions & Add A Sense Of Urgency

Left to their own devices, it can take a consumer a while to make a purchase, especially when they are buying gifts for others. This where you can use a few proven methods to help encourage a final decision.

Use a time-sensitive offer to tempt users with a sense of urgency. Not only are you offering a deal, you’re also making a deadline that will encourage users to make a more impulsive decision. This could be as simple as a popup that states “Special offer – 20% off all orders. Only 23:49:03 left. Use code “SUMMER”. Hurry Up.”


If you don’t want to offer such a strong promotion, try offering free delivery for a specific period of time. The point is to provide something that will benefit your potential customers, but only if they order soon.

3. Define Best Sellers

When people are stuck making a final choice, defining your previous best-sellers can be a very helpful maneuver. Your own internal data should clearly show which products prove the most popular and sell the most.


However, if you’re just starting out and your sales aren’t on a large enough scale to make this clear, you can simply show some general products in the most popular category or segment. For photo products, research already shows which items are the most loved by consumers. According to Printing News:

Among photo merchandise, photo cards and photo books are sold in the largest volumes. The bestseller is still photo books, especially lay flat books.

So, there are 3 great, yet utterly simple, tips to get you started. What do you think? This is only part 1 of our blog, so look out for part 2, detailing even more ways to increase your sales and revenue!


Reader. Writer. Communicator. PR & Marketing Specialist at Printbox. Learning from only the best and writing killer copy.